Special Needs Assistant SNA Course Mullingar QQI – Level 6 6N1957

What do special needs assistants do?

Special Needs Assistants (SNAs) play an indispensable role within school communities, serving as pillars of support for students with additional needs. Their role goes beyond providing basic care; they are mentors, and advocates, committed to fostering an inclusive learning environment where every student can thrive.

Building relationships is at the heart of their work, SNAs form meaningful bonds, not only with the children they assist but also with their classmates. They lead by example, demonstrating positive behaviour and fostering a sense of belonging within the classroom.

In collaboration with teachers, SNAs tailor their support to meet the diverse needs of each student. They work closely to implement individualised education plans, ensuring that students receive the accommodations and resources necessary for their success. From academic assistance to emotional support, SNAs are vital allies in the educational journey of their students.

SNAs also play a vital role in assisting teachers with various classroom tasks. Whether it’s preparing educational materials or organising class outings, SNAs contribute to the overall effectiveness of the learning environment.

SNAs extend their support beyond the classroom, often accompanying students on school buses to ensure their safe transportation. In doing so, they provide a sense of security and comfort, allowing students to navigate their daily routines with confidence.

In the midst of a sometimes hectic  school environment, SNAs serve as beacons of stability and reassurance. They offer a safe haven for students in times of distress, providing a listening ear and a compassionate presence.


Who are our learners?

Our course attracts a diverse range of individuals, each with their own motivations for pursuing a career as a Special Needs Assistant (SNA). Students seeking a professional career as an SNA and those wishing to make a career change to work in the education sector often find our program to be an ideal starting point. Our program is also popular among those with personal connections to individuals with additional needs, including parents, grandparents, extended family members, and community volunteers such as football and hurling coaches, scout leaders, and participants in various community groups. Students need to have a Level 5 Certificate or Leaving Certificate and/or relevant work and life experiences to register for the Level 6 course. 


Do I receive tutor support throughout my course?

YES. Our tutors have years of experience with special needs across a variety of sectors, from Early Years, to SNA Experience  and other Special Educational backgrounds. Throughout your course you will have support and guidance from your tutor. 


Is the SNA or Special Needs Assisting course difficult?

Our course is intensive, but it is well planned and presented to ensure students do not feel overwhelmed. Good communication with your tutor means that at the first sign of a student feeling overwhelmed or worried about the workload, the tutor is there to support them. We find our courses are easily managed, with a very high pass rate visible from our graduates. To obtain the QQI Level 6 Certificate, students are encouraged, but not required, to complete a  work placement. This can be in any school setting, with consent being required. If access to a school does not fit around an individual’s busy schedule, we also accept these activities being carried out in other environments such as the child’s home, or out of school settings with consent given.  For those students who cannot complete a placement we provide case studies for their assessment. 


What qualifications do I need to be a SNA?

Forus Training delivers a QQI level six award in Special Needs Assisting that will set successful candidates up for SNA positions with a distinct advantage. While the DES circulars pertaining to the qualifications of a special needs assistant state that the outlined below are the minimum requirements, our course will see you attain a certification higher than the outlined. 

The minimum required standard of education for appointment to the post of SNA is:

  1. A level 3 qualification on the National Framework of Qualifications, OR
  2. A minimum of three grade Ds in the Junior Certificate, OR 
  3. Equivalent. 

Special Needs Assistants will also require continuous professional development in practice. We offer a QQI level 5 in Challenging Behaviour which can equip Special Needs Assistant with the knowledge and skills needed to work with challenging behaviour they may find in practice. 

First Aid Training and Manual Handling are also great qualifications for the SNA. SNA’s  may also have to attend C.P.D. courses such as Lamh (Irish sign language) P.E.C.S (Picture exchange communication systems) and  training in other practices related to individual disabilities.

Our QQI level 6 Special Needs Assisting course will equip you with the knowledge, skills and qualification required to confidently carry out the duties and responsibilities of a special needs assistant.

This QQI level 6 qualification enables you to work in both primary and secondary schools, and also enables you to work with children and adults within a variety of other roles and care settings.


What’s involved in an SNA course? 

Our courses now provide three flexible learning options to accommodate diverse learner preferences and schedules:

Online Classes with Tutor-Led Group Sessions: Students can participate in weekly online classes conducted in small group settings of up to six individuals. These sessions are facilitated by experienced tutors and include access to our Learning Management System (LMS). Our online platform features session presentations with narration, educational videos, and a wealth of resources to enhance learning. Additionally, students benefit from case studies, a student hub for communications, and the availability of tutors to respond to queries and provide feedback on assessment drafts. Assignments are conveniently submitted online, offering flexibility and convenience for learners.

Self-Directed Learning with Tutor Support: For individuals who prefer a more independent learning approach, we offer self-directed learning options with dedicated tutor support. Students have access to course materials and resources through our LMS, allowing them to progress at their own pace while receiving guidance and assistance from experienced tutors as needed.

Blended Classroom Courses with LMS Access: Our blended classroom courses combine traditional in-person instruction with online learning components. Students attend classes at various locations nationwide while also accessing course materials, resources, and support through our LMS. This hybrid approach offers the benefits of both face-to-face interaction and online flexibility, catering to diverse learning styles and preferences.


How long is an SNA course?

Forus Training’s QQI level six course is delivered over a period of 8 weeks, with submission of assignments due two weeks later, so 10 weeks in total. 


How much does a special needs assistant earn?

Under a DES circular pertaining to SNA pay (2022) SNA’s can earn between €26,355 and €43,956 depending on their length of service within a school. 
