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Standalone or Part of Level 5 Nursing Studies 5M4349 Major Award
A comprehensive course for those in a range of care or social or community settings, where an understanding of human growth and development from conception to old age will be essential to constructive engagement with people at various stages of personal development.
Check below for more details.
Single modules are the best way to build your path to becoming fully certified and
get recognised by NFQ education point scheme.
This Health and Social Care Course is suitable for you if you are new to your role in health or social care or if you wish to gain this valuable qualification and find a job in this sector.
To commence this course ideally you will have achieved Junior / Leaving Certificate standard or appropriate FETAC/QQI Qualification or equivalent. Mature Applicants with relevant life and work experience are welcomed. Where deemed appropriate you may have to complete an English Language Proficiency Test.
The Course Advisor is available to meet with you to discuss and advise you on the course details, career and academic opportunities and assess your suitability for the course.
Through this programme, you will discover how to:
- Understand the concept of human growth and development from conception to old age,
- Understand normal patterns of development from infancy to old age with reference to physical, emotional, social and intellectual development,
- Recognise variations within the normal range of human growth and development and understand factors that can effect development throughout the lifespan,
- Develop interpersonal/interactive skills appropriate to responding to the needs of others,
- Apply skills/knowledge to typical work-based problems,
- Explore own personal prejudices, fears and anxieties about working with people in need of care,
- Develop self-confidence and empathy in dealing with people,
- Demonstrate the ability to identify a range of individual needs and apply the interpersonal skills and strategies required to meet these needs in a range of settings.
The Human Growth and Development - Self Paced course outline can be found below...
Induction - Before You Start
Physical Development
Cognitive Development
Socio- Emotional Development
Dimensions of Growth and Development
Interpersonal Skills
Personal Awareness
All the reviews about Human Growth and Development - Self Paced course
The course 5N1279 Human Growth and Development is assessed in the following ways, with the following weighting; Assignment 60% and Examination 40%.
Assignment 60%; An assignment is an exercise carried out in response to a detailed, easy to follow, brief with specific guidelines given to you by your tutor. It is a form of continuous assessment.
Examination 40%; An examination will assess your ability to recall and apply skills, knowledge and understanding within a set period of time (time constrained) and under examination conditions. This will be a written examination of 2 hours duration.
Pass 50% - 64%
Merit 65% - 70%
Distinction 80% - 100%
Tutor Support
You will have access to support from your tutor by phone and e-mail. Your tutor will provide you with their contact details at the first session of your course. Your tutor can direct you to further supports available that we provide.
Students receive a comprehensive Course Manual, Assignments, Efficient Study guide, and unlimited one-to-one Tutor Support for the course duration.
Your Certificate
You will be awarded a certificate 5N1279 Human Growth and Development
QQI is the awarding body. Forus Training is a provider of education and training programmes and we issue certificates to learners who have reached the standard for a QQI award. The certificate you will recieve on successful completion is a formal confirmation by QQI that you have demonstrated the knowledge, skill and competence required to achieve the named award.
This Programme is validated by QQI and is coded 5N1279 Human Growth and Development. This certificate which will be issued to you by us is an award listed on the NFQ (National Framework of Qualifications). This ensures the certificate is nationally and internationally recognised and has many potential uses; for example, for further / higher education or employment in Ireland or abroad.
This course leads to a level 5 award on the National Framework of Qualifications. Students who successfully complete this programme may use their credits towards completing a higher level of study in the area of Health and Social Care.
Students who successfully complete this Major Award can also use the Certificate as the basis for entry into selected courses in Third Level Colleges and Universities.
Click here to download a pdf version of – Progression from QQI Level 5 Certificates and Level 6 Advanced Certificates to Higher Education Courses 2017.
Registration can take place through our website, this will involve you completing the relevant application form, providing us with your personal information so we can complete the registration on our side. Registration can also take place by telephone/email/Whatsapp or in person, this will involve you providing us details of the course you wish to study, providing us your payment details and agreeing to proceed with the purchase. By completing registration, you are agreeing to the terms and conditions set out herein.
Please read Terms & Conditions here.

What is QQI?
QQI is the state agency responsible for the external quality assurance of further and higher education and training in Ireland.
QQI are responsible for the external quality assurance of further and higher education and training in Ireland.
QQI validate programmes, make awards and are responsible for the promotion, maintenance, development and review of the National Framework of Qualifications (NFQ).
QQI also inform the public about the quality of education and training programmes and qualifications, and advise the Government on national policy regarding quality assurance and enhancement in education and training.