Choose your preferred delivery method
This course is run for groups only
This course is run for groups only
All delivery methods include access to discussion board, online submission system and
Further support is available - academic writing, study skills and Harvard referencing
* - To enrol, choose course delivery method above
Single modules are the best way to build your path to becoming fully certified and
get recognised by NFQ education point scheme.
Registration can take place through our website, this will involve you completing the relevant application form, providing us with your personal information so we can complete the registration on our side. Registration can also take place by telephone/email/Whatsapp or in person, this will involve you providing us details of the course you wish to study, providing us your payment details and agreeing to proceed with the purchase. By completing registration, you are agreeing to the terms and conditions set out herein.
Please read Terms & Conditions here.
QQI are responsible for the external quality assurance of further and higher education and training in Ireland.
QQI validate programmes, make awards and are responsible for the promotion, maintenance, development and review of the National Framework of Qualifications (NFQ).
QQI also inform the public about the quality of education and training programmes and qualifications, and advise the Government on national policy regarding quality assurance and enhancement in education and training.
Forus Training has been providing a unique blend of high quality specialised courses to a very satisfied clientele. Since its establishment in 2000, Forus Training has;
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