Key Certification Dates 2025

The QQI certification process runs six times a year. To help providers and learners stay on track, QQI has a handy reference guide to the key certification dates for 2025.

We have also created the following infographic to help explain the process:
Key Dates 2025 Document

How Key Dates Work 

The “Key Dates and Information” document published by QQI on an annual basis determines the QQI submission periods. We work in accordance with this published calendar to furnish successful learners with their certificate at the earliest possible opportunity. 

Submission period

Submissions to QQI for certification are made in February, April, June, August, October and December. To determine the submission period you are in, count 5 weeks from your submission date and look to the next “External Authentication” date.

Submission date

The submission date or deadline is the date by which the learner submits all of the assessment material required by the assessment briefs. Forus Training refer to this as “learner evidence”. The finish date of your event determines the submission date. To ensure that the assessment process is fair and consistent learners must submit their work on-time. If there are extenuating circumstances the learner can apply for an extension prior to the submission deadline. 

I need more time for my assignment, how do I apply for an extension?

External Authentication

External Authentication is a key element of the QQI assessment process. At the end of Forus Training’s local assessment process (Internal Verification), an External Authenticator (EA) will visit Forus Training to
moderate learner portfolios of evidence. The role of the EA is to provide independent and authoritative confirmation of fair and consistent assessment of learners in line with national standards. The EA produces a written report which provides feedback to the certification team. This feedback is relayed to trainers on the effectiveness of the application of the assessment process and related procedures. The EA will also recommend grades for approval by the results approval panel.

Your results by e-mail

Your results are released to you by e-mail once the EA visit has been completed. It is your responsibility to ensure that you have provided us with a correct e-mail address for this purpose. You will be sent a provisional statement of results along with your marking sheets and feedback from the assessor. Please ensure that your name is spelled correctly on the “Provisional Results” document as this is how it will appear on your certificate. 

Appeals deadline

It is the policy of Forus Training that all learners have the opportunity to discuss their provisional results with the appropriate staff after the issuing of provisional results by us, and, where the learner finds it necessary, to seek a recheck and/or review of their results. The Forus Training Recheck, Review and Appeals Policy covers all grades and all levels of award. You may make an appeal before the deadline, if needed.

Submit to QQI

Following a meeting of the Results Approval Panel (RAP), this is the date upon which Forus Training submit all learners results for certification.

Certificate Issued to you

Approximately one week prior to being issued with your certificate you will be sent a text message to confirm your current address and Eircode. Your certificate is issued to you within 5 working days of receiving your details. 

Inaccurate, incomplete data: the QQI system will not process certification without a correct date of birth and PPS number for each learner.

Malpractice or plagiarism: suspected cases of malpractice or plagiarism take time to process through our procedures.

Appeals – depending on which stage, or how many stages of the appeals process a learner may wish to engage in, this may delay entry to the current submission period.

Extensions – if there are extenuating circumstances that delay your submission this will have a knock-on effect if the extension causes a learner’s work to be assessed later than expected.

Outstanding Payment – if there is a payment due the assessment of your work or your certificate may be onhold.

This is not an exhaustive list.
