QQI SNA level 6 classroom courses
- 8-week classroom course
- Explore funding and payment options starting from €60
Follow the link to check the date and the venue near you

Choose the most convenient option to pay
- You can pay with the €40 discount
- Eight equal payments of €60 each
- Or get our free consultation

Book your place in the group
- Pay with discount:
€480€440 - Take your place in the course group
- Click on ‘Enrol Now’ to go to the course page
Convenient payment option
- Easy start
- Eight equal payments of €60 each

Is this course suitable for me?
- If you are looking for short 8-week courses.
- The certificate you receive after completing the course is sufficient to work in an SNA role in primary/secondary school.

All about the course in your area
- Are these evening or daytime courses?
- Where will the course take place?
- How to register for the course in your city or town?