Why should I study Intellectual Disability Practice

Why should I study Intellectual Disability Practice?

The QQI Level 5 Intellectual Disability Practice Major Award Course is designed to give those hoping to work in Intellectual Disability Services (as a Healthcare Assistant or a Support Worker) the necessary skills and tools to start a new career in this fulfilling and rewarding sector. Imagine if your workday involved developing relationships, providing support, facilitating activities, and empowering individuals to fulfil their potential? Working in intellectual disability services is such a rewarding career; the work is varied and interesting. No more sitting at a desk or behind a counter; you will be working in a community environment, providing the support needed for your clients to acquire new skills, to develop relationships, to live independently and access their own communities. What could be more rewarding? By completing the course, you will acquire the practical and theoretical skills needed to fulfil your role. The course is relevant and up-to-date with each module focusing on a specific area of support.

You will learn the skills required to support clients with their person centred plans, how to facilitate learning, how to manage behaviours of concern, how to promote positive behaviour, how to empower the individual, and you will gain a deep understanding of theory and policy frameworks underpinning your work including HIQA standards and other relevant legislation. You will learn about various disabilities and their implications, including physical, intellectual, sensory, and developmental disabilities. You will learn communication strategies, which may include the use of visual supports or alternative communication methods, to enhance understanding and expression. You will also gain work experience in a setting of your choice. 

A day in the life of a Support Worker is varied and interesting, you may be supporting individuals to participate in employment, you could be providing the support needed for people to attend sports and leisure activities such as horse riding or swimming, or you could be facilitating people shopping for their food and preparing their meals independently. 

What qualifications are employers looking for?

Employers in the social care sector in Ireland seek candidates with a QQI (Quality and Qualifications Ireland) Level 5 or 6 in a healthcare related qualification. Our Intellectual Disability Studies Major Award will provide you with the relevant skills for this sector with its unique service requirements. With The QQI Level 5 Award you will be qualified to work as a Healthcare Assistant or a Support Worker in a variety of settings. There are many roles available in residential services, in community homes, in day care and day activity centres, in community support hubs, in centres for independent living and in training and development centres for people with intellectual disabilities.


Who should be a Support Worker for people with Intellectual Disabilities? 

You should have a genuine desire to work with individuals with intellectual disabilities and believe that every person, regardless of their abilities, has something unique and important to contribute to society. This foundational belief is necessary to foster respect and dignity for the individuals you will support.

Working as part of a team of professionals, you will have a significant responsibility for ensuring that the people you support live good, high-quality, safe, meaningful, and inclusive lives. This includes creating an environment that promotes well-being, safety, and opportunities for personal growth. It also involves ensuring that your clients are included and actively participate in all aspects of life, whether it’s social, recreational, or vocational. You will actively work to empower and advocate for the individuals you support, ensuring that their voices are heard and their rights are respected. You as their support worker play a key role in facilitating this inclusive approach. 

Start pursuing your new career path today

Why not take the plunge, and start your path to a rewarding career today!  Get more information about our Intellectual Disability Practice Major Award by emailing hello@forustraining or contacting our friendly staff on 044 934 9400.