
What is the Training Support Grant?

Training Support Grant is a grant provided by the Department of Social Protection to jobseekers and people getting certain other social welfare payments. It offers quick access to short-term training that will assist you in finding employment soon. The goal of the grant is to determine the skills that job seekers require and to give them financial assistance up to the amount of €1,000 annually. It will also help you find employment in accordance with your established personal progression plan (PPP). The Personal Progression Plan contains a number of actions and activities intended to aid in your job search. These might include education, training, and other helpful resources. You can get career guidance as well as help with your resume and interview techniques through this plan. 

How do you qualify for the Training Support Grant?

A Case Officer can approve a grant for someone seeking employment under this scheme where:

  • the course is either level 6 or below on the QQI,
  • during the course of an interview, a training need is identified that is not otherwise provided by the Department of Social Protection directly or any other state provider within a reasonable length of time or at a location convenient to the jobseeker,
  • the intervention identified is linked to both the activation needs of the jobseeker and labour market conditions,
  • the intervention sought by the jobseeker forms part of the agreed personal progression or action plan to enter or re-enter the labour market,
  • they are satisfied that the jobseeker has provided reasonable evidence or grounds of need (for example in the form of a job offer or of a potential job offer) or an identified skill gap or a requirement to maintain or achieve accreditation (for example, safe pass, driving licences, HACCP, security industry permits).

TSG funding can be taken into consideration for anyone who want to pursue appropriate upskilling and who meet all of the relevant selection process requirements listed above.

How to apply for the grant

You can apply for the grant through a case officer at your local Intreo Centre or Social Welfare Branch Office. Find your local Intreo Centre from the list provided here: https://www.gov.ie/en/directory/category/e1f4b5-intreo-offices/referrer=http://www.gov.ie/en/service/40cf48-find-your-local-intreo-office/

Payment Process

Payment can be approved when:

  • the learner attends the programme
  • the learner undertakes the relevant assessment and achieve certification, Or
  • the learner does not achieve certification but the trainer and applicant confirm that they undertook full assessment but did not meet the standard required

Which Forus Training courses can be funded through the Training Support Grant?

Forus Training offers multiple QQI Level 5 and 6 major awards and single modules that are applicable for the Training Support Grant.

Have a look at the courses that we offer:




