1 to 1 Tutorials
6N3748 SP Gerontology - Self Paced


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Gerontology - 1 to 1 Tutorials

Standalone or Part of Level 6 Health Services Supervisory Management Skills 6M4978 Major Award

You will acquire an understanding of the normal and pathological changes which occur as we age. You will gain an awareness of the attitudes and stereotypes which influence the position and perception of an older adult in society.

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QQI Credits: 15
QQI Level: 6
QQI Code: 6N3748
Quizzes: 13
LMS Sessions: 15

Check below for more details.

Single modules are the best way to build your path to becoming fully certified and
get recognised by NFQ education point scheme.

The purpose of this award is to equip the learner with the knowledge, skill and competence to address the needs of older people in the healthcare system.

Access to the Programme

Mature Applicants with relevant life and work experience are welcomed. The Course Advisor is available to meet with prospective learners to discuss and advise on the course details, career and academic opportunities and assess your suitability for the course.

Entry Criteria

Entry criteria / prerequisites Level 5 Certificate / Leaving Certificate (or equivalent) or relevant life experience detailed in a current Curriculum Vitae. Please provide details and attach a copy of either a current CV or Certificate. Learners must be a resident of Ireland / based in Ireland.


As this NFQ level 6 qualification is delivered through English it is necessary learners will have sufficient written English skills to complete this course. Forus Training recommends a minimum English language competency of IELTS 5.5 (or equivalent) for successful completion of this programme. If you are not sure what level of English competency you have, please contact hello@forustraining.ie and a Course Advisor will arrange for you to take an assessment.

IT Skills and Equipment Required

Basic working knowledge of computers and access to a computer with internet access is required to do the course. A PC with Windows 8 or later or a Mac with OSX 10.5 or later.

  • An internet connection with a speed of at least 10mbps.
  • The latest version of Chrome, Firefox, Edge or Safari, set to accept cookies and pop-ups.
  • Adobe Flash and Adobe Reader, to view content.
  • Word processing software, such as MS Word or Google Docs.
  • Some courses include video, therefore your computer must be capable of playing video and sound.

* eLearning and tutor support may vary by course, please check each course page for details.

Reasonable Accommodation

To reinforce inclusion for all our learners we offer customised learning support for individual applicants who require accommodations. Additional Requirements Forus Training provide a range of supports for learners to ensure that our programmes and services are accessible to all.

On application for a course with Forus Training please discuss any additional requirements with the Course Advisor at hello@forustraining.ie so that the appropriate supports for teaching, learning and assessment can be considered. It is important that you discuss your needs with centre staff as early as possible.

Through this programme you will discover how to:

  • Evaluate a range of common age related psychological changes and their effect on the ageing client
  • Assess personal and societal attitudes towards the older person to include issues of stereotyping, perpetuation of attitudes and personal bias Assess the importance of cultivating loving relationships throughout life to provide emotional supports to include the ability to address ageing, death and dying
  • Evaluate how services in long term care establishments can assist clients and their families to cope with issues of integration and change
  • Examine the issues associated with an ageing society to include economics, governmental policy, housing, healthcare and aids to successful ageing
  • Recognise a range of factors that contribute to physical decline and specific physical changes in ageing to include visual, auditory, musculatory, cardiopulmonary and skeletal factors
  • Identify a range of entitlements available to older citizens in Ireland to include legal entitlements, professional and governmental services and community and national organisations that provide help for older people
  • Research the normal and pathological changes in adulthood and ageing to include osteoporosis, dementias, incontinence, night blindness, hyper and hypo tension and heart disease
  • Evaluate older person care provision nationally and internationally to include, definition of old age, institutional care provision, services and supports to promote independent living
  • Describe the sociological aspects of ageing to include role transition, family life, spirituality, employment, ageing as a gradual life long process and potential stage of growth, discovery and opportunity
  • Research the traditional view of old age in Irish culture, songs and writings, to include a contrast between the traditional views and emerging ideas of old age in Irish culture as affecting people of multiple disciplines.

The Gerontology - Self Paced course outline can be found below...

Induction - Before You Start

Learner Induction
Learner Induction - Quiz Questions
8 Questions2/28

Psychological Changes

Session 1
Psychological Changes
Psychological Changes - Quiz Questions
9 Questions5/28

Attitudes Towards the Older Person

Session 2
Attitudes Towards the Older Person
Attitudes Towards the Older Person - Quiz Questions
7 Questions7/28

Loving Relationships

Session 3
Loving Relationships
Loving Relationships - Quiz Questions
7 Questions9/28

Provision of Care

Session 4
Provision of Care
Provision of Care - Quiz Questions
9 Questions11/28

Issues Associated with an Ageing Society

Session 5
Issues Associated with an Ageing Society
Issues Associated with an Ageing Population - Quiz Questions
7 Questions13/28

Physical Ageing

Session 6
Physical Ageing
Physical Ageing - Quiz Questions
9 Questions15/28

The Entitlements Available

Session 7
The Entitlements Available
The Entitlements Available - Quiz Questions
10 Questions17/28

Normal and Pathological Changes

Session 8
Normal and Pathological Changes
Normal and Pathological Changes - Quiz Questions
7 Questions19/28

Care Settings and Pathways

Session 9
Care Settings and Pathways
Care Settings and Pathways - Quiz Questions
10 Questions21/28

Elder Abuse

Session 10
Elder Abuse
Elder Abuse - Quiz Questions
10 Questions23/28

The Aspects of Ageing

Session 11
The Aspects of Ageing
The Aspects of Ageing - Quiz Questions
10 Questions25/28

Traditions with Ageing

Session 12
Traditions with Ageing
Traditions with Ageing - Quiz Questions
9 Questions27/28
End of Course Session

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The course 6N3748 Gerontology is assessed in the following ways, with the following weighting:-

  • Project 50%
  • Learner Record 50%.


A project is a response to a brief devised by the assessor. A project is usually carried out over an extended period of time. Projects may involve research, require investigation of a topic, issue or problem or may involve process such as a design task, a performance or practical activity or production of an artifact or event.

Learner Record

A learner record is a self-reported record by you, in which you are required to describe specific learning experiences, activities, responses, skills acquired. You will compile a personal logbook/journal/diary/daily diary/ record.


  • Pass 50% - 64%
  • Merit 65% - 70%
  • Distinction 80% - 100%

Assessment and Trainer Support

At Forus Training, we have many different supports available for your learning.

Learner Pack

  • When you enrol on a course, you will receive a printed learner pack from your trainer on the first session of the event.
  • This learner pack contains clear assessment instructions and comprehensive material to support you as you complete the course.
  • The pack will also include induction information as well as forms that you will complete during and at the end of your course.

Trainer Support

  • The trainer provides support to learners, including issuing feedback on draft work you will submit. Expect to wait up to 72 hours for a response by email from your trainer. Many of our trainers have full time jobs as well as training with us this means they will have up-to-date sector specific information, but also means that you need to allow a little time for them to get back to you. Our trainers are current with practice in the sector in which they work.
  • Trainers can, by appointment, make time available to you before or after class to answer your queries that cannot be covered in the session. They can also make an appointment with you to discuss your work on a telephone call.

Assessment Upload Facility

  • We have a user-friendly assessment upload facility available to you..

Support with Preparing for Assessment

If it has been a while since you’ve studied, we have free, short presentations on Study Skills, Academic Writing and Harvard Referencing to assist you in your work.

Technical Support

  • Every Saturday, our Digital Ambassador Team holds a Zoom meeting – to assist learners with their technology related challenges - no question too small! The staff in this “Digital Ambassador“ role are experienced in accessing all of our systems, including the LMS and myforustraining.ie. They are positioned to assist with all the usual technology queries learners might have: Microsoft Office (Word, PowerPoint, Excel etc), email, file saving and organisation etc.
  • Technical support is available by phone to 044 9349400 or by email: hello@forustraining.ie or through the contact form on our website.

Compassionate Consideration

  • Where a Learner, pursuing an award, through no fault of his/her own, is unable to complete their assessment, the exit pathway below is in place to facilitate this Learner with an alternative course. The Learner is given the opportunity to obtain the Award by completing the course at an alternative date/location should they have relocated to an area where we provide the same award.
  • The following are examples of circumstances where a Learner is unable to complete their project/their course:

● Bereavement,

● Illness,

● Pregnancy,

● Relocation,

● Extenuating circumstances.

Learner Welfare

  • P9 S6 C6 Learner Welfare Policy and practices are fully integrated throughout teaching and learning experiences by both Trainers and staff to effectively meet the health and wellbeing needs of all Learners. The Forus Training welfare policy is focused on the welfare of all Learners and addresses any particular challenges individual Learners may be experiencing during their learning experience. The learning environment includes welfare support provided by staff for Learners which is fully integrated throughout the teaching and learning and organisation of teaching and learning to effectively meet the personal, social (wellbeing) and academic needs of Learners and staff. Please see the policy here P9 S6 C6 Learner Welfare Policy.

Supports for Learners with Disabilities and Specific Learning Difficulties

  • Forus Training is fully committed to complying with relevant policies and legislation with respect to equality and disability. Registered and potential Learners with verified disabilities or specific learning difficulties may be given compassionate consideration and reasonable accommodation to enable them to successfully complete their programme. This is arranged by the Course Coordinator.
  • A reasonable accommodation is any action that helps to alleviate a substantial disadvantage due to an impairment or medical condition. Such accommodations are put in place to help reduce these barriers in order to provide equality of access and opportunity for all. Reasonable accommodations are made for Learners on a case by case basis and must be supported with medical documentation. Both P9 S2 C6 Evidence of Disability Form and P9 S2 C6A Application Form for Reasonable Accommodation can be found at the following link:
  • https://forustraining.ie/knowledge-base/how-do-i-access-reasonable-accomodations/

Your Certificate

You will be awarded a certificate 6N3748 Gerontology

QQI is the awarding body. Forus Training is a provider of education and training programmes and we issue certificates to learners who have reached the standard for a QQI award. The certificate you will recieve on successful completion is a formal confirmation by QQI that you have demonstrated the knowledge, skill and competence required to achieve the named award.

This Programme is validated by QQI and is coded 6N3748 Gerontology. This certificate which will be issued to you by us is an award listed on the NFQ (National Framework of Qualifications). This ensures the certificate is nationally and internationally recognised and has many potential uses; for example, for further / higher education or employment in Ireland or abroad.

This course leads to a level 6 award on the National Framework of Qualifications. Students who successfully complete this programme may use their credits towards completing a higher level of study in the area of Health and Social Care.

Students who successfully complete this Major Award can also use the Certificate as the basis for entry into selected courses in Third Level Colleges and Universities.

Click here to download a pdf version of – Progression from QQI Level 5 Certificates and Level 6 Advanced Certificates to Higher Education Courses 2017.

1 to 1 Tutorials
6N3748 SP Gerontology - Self Paced


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Register by: 17:00 To Start Today
Start date: Start Today

Registration can take place through our website, this will involve you completing the relevant application form, providing us with your personal information so we can complete the registration on our side. Registration can also take place by telephone/email/Whatsapp or in person, this will involve you providing us details of the course you wish to study, providing us your payment details and agreeing to proceed with the purchase. By completing registration, you are agreeing to the terms and conditions set out herein.

Please read Terms & Conditions here.

Trust proven by accreditations

You will acquire an understanding of the normal and pathological changes which occur as we age. You will gain an awareness of the attitudes and stereotypes which influence the position and perception of an older adult in society.
What is QQI?

QQI is the state agency responsible for the external quality assurance of further and higher education and training in Ireland.

QQI are responsible for the external quality assurance of further and higher education and training in Ireland.

QQI validate programmes, make awards and are responsible for the promotion, maintenance, development and review of the National Framework of Qualifications (NFQ).

QQI also inform the public about the quality of education and training programmes and qualifications, and advise the Government on national policy regarding quality assurance and enhancement in education and training.

FETAC Wheel of all education levels

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